Tuesday 8 April 2014

Pesky pound!

The weigh in results are in guys and dolls! I lost 2.5lb, I was super happy about that it now means I have to lose 1lb to get my 8 and a half stone award and I'm going to work my not so little bum off this week so it will be mine next Monday! I've planned all the meals up until next Tuesday and we go shopping tomorrow morning. I'm making quite a few new things this week, well newish. I upload all my meal pictures to Instagram anyway so you can have a look. But yeah, my Easter goal needs to be met by next Sunday so Monday is my only chance to get my 8.5 stone for Easter. So keep everything crossed for me. I'm currently sat eating half a packet of strawberry Chewits (6 syns for a full pack and you get 10 in them). I can't help but feel disappointed at how strange they taste now, I've gone off strawberry flavored stuff especially Mullerlights, I really don't know why, they taste horrid. But I still love strawberries. Strange! I've been with Ashley 9 month today, can't believe it 3 month time I'll have been with him for a whole year. It's been incredible, he's my rock and my best friend. It's lovely how much praise he gives me with losing weight and how proud he is, it encourages me to carry on. Most people when they become comfortable with somebody and fall in love decide to just let go and stop losing weight because they are happy. But my happiness didn't exist because I wasn't happy with myself but meeting Ashley has made me more determined to keep going, I want him to have a girlfriend he can show off and be proud of. I don't want him to be embarrassed with a baby elephant that covers her face in make up to hide. (I know he doesn't think this but I do). I'm applying for my college course next week, I'm so scared but excited at the same time. I hope they ask me to come in for an interview as I need this. This is the only chance I have left at improving my life and pushing my mental health a side. I will always be battling my demons but as long as push myself to achieve what I want to do then I know the battle will get a lot easier.

The sad news of Peaches Geldof dieing at the of 25 made me so sad yesterday. That is no age to die, especially leaving behind 2 baby boys. It really does make you think about things differently, I feel selfish that when I was going through the harder stages of my mental health I considered taking my own life numerous of times. I cut and cut hoping it would do something, but you never quite think how it will actually effect other peoples lives if you did take your own life. My heart goes out to her family at this sad time.

Game of Thrones started back last night and OMG what an episode! It was so worth the year of excitement and waiting. I won't put any spoilers on just in case you haven't got around to watching it yet but Arya Stark is a complete bad ass!

I hope you all have a wonderful week and good luck if you are stepping on the scales!

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