Wednesday 15 April 2015

Things I want to be able to do now I'm not nearly 24 stone.

So today I've been thinking about all the things I want to be able to do now I don't weigh nearly 24 stone. My weight has held me back for far too long, I want to be out there, I want to do things that I've stopped my self from doing because I've been so scared.

So here is my list -

  • I want to go to a theme park and go on rides without being scared that I won't fit. The last time I went to a theme park I couldn't fit through the railings to get onto rides I had to climb over. Not only is it embarrassing it's also scary when the bar is digging into your stomach and you feel like it's going to burst open. Me and Ashley are hopefully going to Alton Towers in June to overcome my fears.
  • I want to go on holiday in the sunshine and not worry about having to cover up. I want to be able to wear shorts and strappy tops without being judged because I'm massive. 
  • I want to be able to eat food in public and not worry that people are looking at me and thinking I'm a fat bitch just because I'm eating.
  • I want to be able to start running, I can only run for one minute on the treadmill but I'm sure I'd be able to build on that gradually. 
  • I want to meet the lovely people I've met on instagram and not feel worried they will judge me. I know I've met a couple already but I want to meet more! I've made some really good friends.
  • I want to make more friends, friends are something I've found all my life very hard to make and keep. I always feel like a burden, hence why I spend all of my time with my mum or Ashley. The truth is I don't really have any friends. Well I do but non that I see or go out and do stuff with.
  • I want to experiment with clothes, I need a new wardrobe. I also need to rob a bank in order to do so haha.
  • I want to learn how to swim, yes I can't swim. I'm afraid, not just of swimming but of wearing a swim suit. This will take a long time yet.
  • I eventually don't want to worry about my weight, I want to be happy and content with the way I look. I want to feel like I'm worthy of being with Ashley, I want to look good for him. Every girl wants to feel sexy right? I couldn't be sexy if I tried. 
Not all of these things can be done at once, but eventually I want to be able to say I've done it!