Saturday 12 April 2014

Keeping busy.

So I really had no idea what to do with myself yesterday, today and probably won't tomorrow. I'm not seeing Ashley until Monday morning and it's been hard. I've been getting quite upset with myself the past couple of days and I really don't know why. It's frustrating and it's a constant battle with the mind. I've tried keeping busy, yesterday I cleaned my room and did my washing (still have a bit of tidying to do). Today I've got up had my breakfast, watched Adventure Time, marinated the lamb for tonight's Lamb Vindaloo. Now I'm stuck again, so I thought I'd blog to pass some time. I'm really hoping today and tomorrow fly by. I'm going to decide what I want for dinner soon too, I have no idea what to make. I was going to make more curry loaf muffins but I think since I'm making a really hot curry tonight it wouldn't be fair on my poor bottom. I've been worrying myself quite a lot about Monday's weigh in, I desperately need this pound for my 8 and a half stone award. I don't want to be kicked in the teeth with another gain. It's the last chance to meet my Easter goal since it is Easter next Sunday. I've had most of my syns this week too, I normally only use a little amount but I even had the full 15 on Wednesday. I hope this doesn't effect me or I will actually shed tears on the scales. Fingers crossed, I shall post my results on my Instagram/Twitter on Monday night and then I will blog about it during the week if I get time to pick up the laptop.

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend. The sun seems to have disappeared my end!

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