Saturday 16 May 2015

Remember why you started.

When I first started my blog I did explain my story, for those that really can't be bothered going back to the beginning (I don't really blame you) here it is..
I'd been unhappy for a very long time, I'd also battled with my weight for a very long time. I think the last time I was slim I was 5 years old. I was a chunky child, an over weight teenager and a very over weight adult. Food was my comfort blanket, I enjoyed it until it made me feel sick. I hated going shopping for clothes as I dreaded in the changing rooms looking at myself in the mirror. I remember when prom came around at high school and my mum took me to Evans to buy me a dress (I never wore dresses) and the only ones that fitted me were the ones your grandma would wear. I stood and looked at myself in the mirror and I got really upset. I took it off and refused to try on any more dresses. I ended up going to prom in a pair of white cotton trousers and a baggy tunic top, whilst all the other girls looked beautiful in their prom dresses. I was miserable, I finished school and went to college I was picked on throughout college for 2 years. People said it was because I was too nice, I don't see how being nice is a problem but clearly to those girls it was. I was picked on in school so to have to deal with it again in college made life hell. Who'd have thought girls could be so cruel? When I finished college I went into a deep dark depression, I shut everybody off. Anxiety hit me like a tonne of bricks, I wouldn't leave the house, I was snappy, I comfort ate and I self harmed. My life was out of control, I didn't feel like it was my life anymore. The depression and anxiety destroyed every last piece of me. I had a boyfriend that cheated on me, I stayed with him even though I didn't want to because I thought nobody would ever love me or want me. It took me a while but in June 2012 I decided to get rid of him and cut him out of my life, even though that meant all the awful looks I get off his family members now (I don't think he told them what he did). In July 2012 I decided I didn't want to be fat anymore I wanted to feel good and I wanted some happiness so with the support of my mum I joined slimming world. I was so so scared but I will never ever look back, it's changed my life and I've gained so much from it. In July 2013 a year after I joined I met Ashley who I've been with for nearly 2 years, finally somebody who actually loved me and wasn't going to hurt me. The bond we have is beautiful, I couldn't ask for anybody more perfect. He's loyal, supportive, kind and beautiful inside and out. You could say life is pretty good now, after being inside the house for 5 years I'm doing well. I do have panics still when going out and I do worry about what other people think but it's not as scary as I thought. I went back to college and I'm almost finished, I'm hoping to have a job next year doing something I love and I am passionate about. I'm 1lb away from losing 11st, I never in a million years thought I'd lose 1st let alone 11.

Don't give up, don't make excuses, if I can do it so can you! 

Tuesday 12 May 2015

It's been a while.

I've not posted in nearly a month *slaps wrist*. I've been so busy with college work etc and worrying about my maths. I've not got my 11st award yet, I'm 1lb away from doing so (although I was half a pound away). My body is being stupid and it sucks. I've been put onto the pill because well lets just saying nothing was helping me if you think bleeding once a month is a fucker try bleeding constantly for months! It sucks I tell you. I'm hoping everything will settle down eventually and the pill is my saviour but it needs time to work, so only time will tell. I've had a lot going on lately, I failed my first attempt at my exam for functional skills level 2 maths and I resit it next week. I've been doing a lot of test papers that Ashley kindly printed off for me, so I'm hoping all that has helped. I also after 10 months of avoiding the dentist got my mum to ring them this morning (I'm shit scared of them) I was meant to go and have my teeth cleaned again 10 months ago but avoided it but now I have to go for a check up next Wednesday because I haven't been in so long. Don't worry I still brush my teeth every day and use mouth wash I'm not a hillbilly with one tooth, I just lack in the flossing department so the Dentist person will tell me off for that. I avoided going for so long because my anxiety to was so bad and the dentist would have finished me off so surely they will understand that. Also, I took Luna to the vets last Thursday to be told she is blind in one eye, she's not even 3 years old and has cataracts in her left eye. I was heartbroken to say the least especially as the vet said if the drops she has been put on don't help the inflammation and soreness of the eye then she will have to have removed. As somebody that loves their dog more than anything in the world it's such a horrible thing to know. So all I can do is cuddle her as much as she can bare and sooth her eye with eye drops (they seem to be helping so far).

So yeah that's been my life in a nutshell for the past couple of weeks. I've also spent the last 9 days with Ashley which has been wonderful. I can't wait for us to have our place together because it sucks spending so much time together then having to wait a week to see him again. Roll on Sunday!

Hope you all have a great week and are doing well.