Saturday 11 June 2016

Hello blogger my old friend.

I'm quite excited to write this post as I haven't been active on my blog for nearly a year! Sorry it's been so long but I've been active on my instagram and facebook page so you'll have been able to keep up to date there. Last time I posted I was waiting on my DBS check to come through to start my new job.. I'm now at my second job! It didn't work out at the other place, it was amazing but so far to travel and the job role wasn't right for me especially as I wanted to climb up the ladder. I'm currently working towards my level 3 and hoping that when I eventually move to live with Ashley (yes we are still together 3 years next month!!) I'm going to attempt uni so I can work in schools. I've a long road a head of me but I'll get there.

I am currently 2lb away from receiving my 12 stone award at slimming world. I was hoping for target at Christmas last year but I messed about eating what I wanted when I wanted even when I didn't want it. I currently weight 11st 13lb which I'm absolutely over the moon about because I can't remember the last time I weighed that. I'm also now a member of the gym since December 2015! I haven't cancelled my membership yet either haha. I'm really enjoying it, it gives me head space. I'm hoping since it's my birthday next weekend that monday will be the day I get my next award, so keep everything crossed for me. I also wear skirts and dresses lately sometimes without tights! I'm off to Dubrovnik in August too for a week away with Ashley (our first holiday abroad together) I'm so excited to tan my pasty skin and explore a beautiful country where game of thrones is filmed!!!

Hope you all are well.