Thursday 30 January 2014

I think I'm addicted to Rich Tea fingers.

Every night if I haven't used my HEA allowance on anything I will have a cup of tea which a few people have told me looks anemic because I don't leave the teabag in for ages! Haha. I still think it tastes nice but hey ho. Anyway getting to the point I tend to have Rich Tea fingers with my cup of tea, now for 1 syn a biscuit (I use Asda's Chosen By You range) others may be different! You can't really moan. So I have 3 or 4, and it's become a regular occurrence. Although last night something terrible happened, I'm a dunker and well you can obviously guess the rest of the story! It basically involved me fishing out the end of my biscuit with a spoon. When things like that happen it reminds me of Peter Kay when he mentions it on one of his tours! Rather hilarious, well until it happens to you that is. Luckily I got it out in time before it separated and went to the bottom of my cup, HOORAY! I think there should be a Rich Tea appreciation club, they are an under rated biscuit! They are no Custard Creams but they are up there with the best.

Also it's been a week and forget to mention Luna has had her puppies! She had 2 huge ones, a boy and a girl. They are absolutely gorgeous and I love them quite a lot.

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