Saturday 25 January 2014

Captain Fat Pants!


Well today was quite a weird day for me, first weekend I've spent without Ashley for a long time! Safe to say I'm missing him a hell of a lot, but he's coming tomorrow evening so all is good in ones hood. Since I had time on my hands today and I was bored, I decided to get rid of some stuff. I went through a pile of clothes I'd left at the side of my door and found my old jeans, I decided it would be a fun idea to climb in one leg if it was possible and I did!!! I then waddled like a penguin to my little brothers room to show him and then decided to sit on my bum whilst still inside one leg of my jeans and slide down the stairs to show my mum and dad how awesome I looked. I'm so made up! These jeans are a size 26, to think they use to fit me with the tiniest bit of room in makes me so disappointed in myself, but yet I'm proud of how far I've come as I'm now into a size 16-18 jeans! I know I still have just over 6 stone to lose but I'm determined to get that off by Christmas this year. I'm so excited for Monday's weigh in, I've never said that before about being weighed but I know I've worked my arse off this week. In the picture above please pardon my messy hair and my second chin, mother bear hasn't quite got the hang of getting flattering angles! ;)

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