Thursday 24 October 2013

Paddington Bear is a fashion icon.

Today I made a new comparison picture from before slimming world and now. It's amazing how much change you can see from those things, yet you don't actually feel that there is any change in reality. My mind is yet to catch up with all the change, it will eventually. I've also realised how much better my hair looks now it's shorter and darker. My feet keep shrinking too it's rather annoying as my newish converse are now really roomy! On the plus side I got a new coat on Wednesday because my biker jacket was not practical, it was super smelly when it got wet and it didn't keep me warm. I now have a duffel coat like Paddington Bear and I love it! I don't feel elephant sized in it either, which is always good. Yes I am incredibly short, last time I was measured I was 5'3 but I think I've shrunk which is quite worrying as I don't have much height on me to start with!

The coat is from George at Asda, it was £19 if you was wondering.

I'm super excited for January, me and Ashley are going to London for 5 days! I've never been to London before so it's going to be an awesome adventure. It'll be nice to spend some alone time with him too, away from everything. Going to London also means I can purchase a Pandora charm there as a souvenir! I can't wait to go on the London Eye, visit the Big Ben, Convent Gardens and the Tower of London etc. It's super exciting!

I'm also off to Stoke for the weekend tomorrow well technically now it's after midnight I'm going today! I do shit myself getting the train on my own but it's all worth it and the journey isn't really that long tbh.
I just can not wait to see Ash, this week has gone really fast for a change it normally drags and I'm normally pulling my hair out and crying by the Tuesday. But yeah, expect a post full of wonderful pictures and blabbering of my weekend in Stoke.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! TTFN.

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